Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Remicade And Fistulas And

An online course with only two hours! 3D Science Laboratories

An online course from the Blog di Antonio Fini e subito posto quì per chi è interessato!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bicuspid Aortic Valve More Condition_treatment

Il Martedì e il Venerdì alle 22.00 si stanno svolgendo gli appuntamenti dedicati al laboratorio di costruzione 3d di scienze condotti da me , Luca Galletti e altri esperti. In ogni incontro viene approfondito un argomento scientifico e poi utilizzato per costruire oggetti.
Siamo al settimo incontro i prossimi saranno di geografia in 3d , chimica e strumenti didattici. Invece sono stati già sviluppati quelli relativi alla biologia (cellule e biomolecole), astronomia e modellazione 3d di geografia.
Alcuni video al seguente link

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Optimist Sailboatcalifornia

Opening of Second Anitel

It was launched on Monday 30 November, the new virtual headquarters in Second Life sim Anitel Paul Brenzini "Gallery". Anitel national association-learning tutors and teachers, for some time in educational research is playing a new virtual environments. The activities are aimed at teachers and researchers interested in using new technologies in teaching.
Here's a video at the following link

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is Cervix Wet Before Period

An interesting site for teachers online

From peek and learn a lot!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Do You Have To Buy A Licence For A Small Boat

salad bento box for

Questa pseudo insalata l'ho trovata in un video Jap ed è parte della preparazione di un delizioso bento box.

is prepared in a flash, the vegetables are cooking while you make nice to go out and you just need to fit it into your "schiscetta" (perhaps accompanied by something of protein, meat, fish and fruit in season, etc ...).

for 1 person

1 potato large enough

  • 2 carrots 1 / 2 cucumber
  • a piece of red onion
  • 1 teaspoon (generous ) mayonnaise
  • little vinegar
  • salt
  • Matt a little bit of water to boil in a saucepan. Aggiungete poco sale grosso e quando bolle tuffatevi le carote e le patate; pelate, nettate e ridotte in pezzi non troppo grossi. Pelate parzialmente il cetriolo, tagliatelo per il lungo ed eliminate i semi. Affettatelo e ponetelo in una ciotola cosparso con poco sale. Tritate finemente la cipolla rossa e mettetela nella ciotola che vi servirà per condire l'insalata. Nel frattempo le verdure in cottura saranno belle tenere. Scolatele e ancora bottenti schiacciatele un pò grossolanamente con una forchetta, unitele alla cipolla, aggiungete anche il cetriolo (strizzato dall'acqua che avrà prodotto), la maionese, poco sale e poco aceto. Mescolate accuratamente e ponete nella vaschetta che vi servirà per il pranzo. Ho accompagnato questa sostanziosa insalata with slices of chicken wrapped.
  • I know it is not great recipe, but the result will surprise you. Now I just find a nice bento box to replace the pan sealed for now use.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Heather Brooke Deepthroat

happens that one morning you find a comment that passes a new friend here, and who decides to leave a trace of his visit. It happens maybe curiosity makes parts with pleasure the visit ... and happens to discover a new blog that just is not new, but somehow you never had never appeared in compulsive surfing the net. With this magic mechanism, bloggers discover infinite possibilities of trade and many were food bloggers I've had the pleasure of knowing over the years.
The accomplice of these delicacies is definitely a new acquaintance and I found this morning for the first time you comment. Curiosity led me to ever visit his blog about cooking, but not only has beautiful pictures and interesting topics, so I just wanted to try his recipe. Accomplice to the fact that it is Sunday, the storm and therefore the temperature quite acceptable I am that I can finally turn on the oven! Then cakes ispitrate its plum cakes

. Manitoba flour 200 g corn starch 50 g sugar 120 g

2 whole eggs + 1 yolk
  • sunflower oil 4 tablespoons vanilla yogurt
  • 250 g baking powder a spoon
  • a pinch of salt For the frosting
  • 5 tablespoons sugar + juice of 1 / 2 lemon
  • Sift the flour, cornstarch (corn starch) and baking powder in a bowl. In a second bowl, put sugar and eggs. Beat well with a whisk. Add yogurt, egg yolk and a pinch of salt. Mix again. Now gradually add the flour and incorporated well. Finally pour a tablespoon at a time, the oil. Ammalgamare carefully. Grease and flour the molds carefully. Suddividetevi the mixture and bake in hot oven (180 degrees) for about 20-25 min. Remove the cakes when they are well puffed and golden.
  • During the baking of cakes prepared syrup. Put in a steel pan with sugar and lemon juice. Place it over low heat without stirring and let the syrup is formed. Let simmer a few minutes and turn. As soon as the cakes are ready, the mold is still hot and put them on the grill and pour the syrup over them. This frosting makes them even more tasty and inviting. Let cool and serve with the buon tea.
Ringrazio Wennycara per questa nuova ricetta e spero mi perdonerà le piccole varianti che ho apportato.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Raven Riley Hardcore Movie

Risotto Cakes caramel smoked summer

Eccomi qui dopo un pò di assenza. Un bel risottino per farmi perdonare non so se è sufficente... ma quello è! Mi piace davvero tanto questo risotto e anche se le temperature sono elevate basta lasciarlo un pò intiepidire prima di impiattarlo e vi assicuro che è meglio di tante insalate di riso. Il piatto freddo ad oltranza non mi si addice e fatico a trovare soddisfazione nei piatti estivi per antonomasia. E' vero che il risotto bello bollente and possibly combined with a bone hole is definitely too much for a dinner of August but, put your friends in a garden in the evening with a little breeze here and the risotto with vegetables becomes a 'much more attractive alternative of the usual pasta salad.

for 4 people 380 g of rice rome
chicken broth 1 yellow pepper 1 shallot

extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 cup dry white wine a pinch of saffron
smoked salt 1
scamorza diced tomato, smoked

Put the casserole a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with sliced \u200b\u200bscallions. Let soften the shallots over a low heat and add the sliced \u200b\u200bbell pepper always up to. When the pepper is well wilted, add the rice, toast and blended with wine. When you start adding the broth evaporated. Halfway through cooking add the blasts. Let the rice and a little soupy (while cooling will finish cooking and absorb the excess stock). Turn off and add the diced smoked cheese, diced tomatoes and a generous pinch of smoked salt. Stir, let cool and serve your guests that you certainly will ask for an encore.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Badminton Milena Velba Topless

My sourdough bread with fresh anti

Here it is finally my first sourdough bread! It was time I'd play, but served obviously the summer temperatures to help the legendary "blob" to ferment. The procedure I followed is the Simili sisters, but of course I have customized the process ... now we can call it yeast sisters similar variation on the theme of mother Glo. If I could I (and I assure you that I have made several death), anyone can do it. The satisfaction is great and the bread is really great, fragrant, fragrant e. .. delicious! As I write this post I have a rise and increases in bell'impasto like a dream!
Here's how I came to this result.

Mix 200 g flour with 00 a tablespoon of honey, one of olive oil and water at room temperature sufficient to form a soft dough. Put it in an airtight container for about 48 hours. In fact, the time depends on temperature. When it begins to ferment and then form bubbles, just get 100 g (the rest throw it) and mix it with 100 grams of flour and 45 g of water always at room temperature. Put still in the container and let ferment 48 hours yet. This refresh operation must be repeated two more times. After that you can put the dough in the fridge for 5 days.
At this point my mother yeast doubled very quickly and so I started to bake.
Approximately 500 g of sourdough, I've used 300 g + 1000 + 14 g flour 00 g salt + warm water to make my first sourdough bread. The remaining 200 g I refreshed them with as much flour and I put the dough back in the fridge size. This is my sourdough.
After mixing for about 10/15 min. bread, I let double in volume. I deflated the dough and put it in a bowl tightly closed in refrigerator overnight. In the morning I again deflated the dough and let it rilievitasse in a warm place for about 3 hours. After that, I formed two large loaves beautiful, I laid them on the baking sheet. I baked in a hot oven (about 230 degrees) with a teglietta of water on the bottom for about 30 minutes. So I took the oven to 200 ° and I removed the pan with water. I let the bread bake for about 20/25 minutes. After I left the baked bread cool on a wire rack. Really simple and great satisfaction.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Poptropica Trouble Connecting Database

Dishes heat

Today no recipes, let alone dessert recipes! Just some ideas for hot days. Those things you say: "Let's see what is left in the fridge ... and put together a cold plate and light to better withstand the summer heat. Okay, the bread I had to do it, and the oven cools some cooking, but want to make a nice salad accompanied by a slice of bread to make foot on the plate, giusto per raccogliere l'olio buono? Allora dicevo: niente ricette solo due idee che mi sono piaciute! Del pane che stò sperimentando, oramai da circa due mesi, vi parlerò in un post dedicato ( anche perchè sono arrivata ad avere il lievito madre con un procedimento assolutamente casuale ) .

Insalata di tacchino ( o pollo, secondo il gusto )

Arrotolato di tacchino arrosto ( cucinato e poi lasciato raffreddare ) affettato finemente

insalata gentilina
  • un cuore di sedano bianco
  • cipolla rossa di tropea

  • pomodorini pachino o datterino
  • cetriolo
  • Condite con un emulsione (dosi per 2 insalate):
  • 1 cucchiaio di maionese
  • 1 cucchiaino di senape tedesca
poco aceto di vino rosso
olio al basilico*
  • *( mettete un ciuffetto di basilico fresco in un vasetto e riempitelo di olio evo, lasciate a macerare qualche giorno e utilizzatelo su tutto quello che vi pare...sulle bruschette in primis )
  • .

Ricottine al pesto di rucola

Io I used the ricotta portions, but you can safely make the dumplings with the technique of two tablespoons. With a couple of handfuls of rocket leaves, 50 g pine nuts, olive oil and a little salt, prepared a beautiful green pesto. Surrounded the ricotta with tomatoes split in half, and lemon oil dressed arugula and toasted bread. Garnish with arugula pesto, some crushed red pepper berries and serve.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sore Neck Snowboarding

A soft and fragrant cake pan

would be good 'bout with a flurry bake cakes and bread. I absolutely must get a commitment that takes me away from home every day for at least 12 hours straight! The line may be affected and then I'm afraid the next electricity bill will be a little "leaven." As can be seen from the last post, my obsession of the moment is the yeast cake or pie "belief". That cake that usually makes a fine show itself under the bell glass dell'alzatina (ragalo very welcome my cousin) and that the hungry inhabitants of the house should be gradually "tasting" during the raid in a variety of cuisine. egg whites, the result is far from guaranteed . few days ago I came across a soft cake that I fear has triggered yet another challenge to myself. And because they are tough head (but go!) Here I am that I just baked an hour ago! And to be exact ... the second in two days from there to throw in an industrial production is a short step! The great inspiration
Of this cake is very good Paoletta that makes us dream with her recipes and her beautiful pictures. The blog is sio
here and found the cake here.
I will put my version .. but I fear not the last, as I suggested I could make a mix recipe for yogurt and the latter. We'll let you know if there will be a sequel ... like:
La torta da credenza 3 " la vendetta " 100 g di burro 125 g di zucchero (ne ho aumentato un pò la dose)
  • pizzico di sale

  • 3 uova
  • 160 g di latte
  • 250 g di farina
  • 1/2 butina di lievito ( Paoletta ne usa 1 intera, ma io temo sempre di percepirne il sapore e quindi ho ridotto)
  • la buccia gratuggiata di un limone bio
  • vaniglia
  • Let the butter soften at room temperature. Sift flour with baking powder. Add sugar to butter and fitted well with a whisk, add the lemon peel and egg yolks one by one, beat well. Unizo alternatela adding flour and milk, stirring constantly. Beat the egg whites until stiff add a pinch of salt. Add to the mixture without disassembly. Grease and flour a cake pan with diam. 22 and pour the mixture, bake at 60 degrees and then turn up the oven to 180 ° (Paoletta says that doing so is not just aesthetic form that dome in the center of the cake) and cook. Enough in my oven 40 min. Remove from the oven when it is beautiful golden and toothpick test will tell you that inside is dry. Place on a wire rack to cool. You can sprinkle icing sugar (we do not really like cream cakes) or prepare a delicious cream for the topping. If protected from the air, r
esta nice soft a few days,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Antique Wood Toy Bench Nails Hammer

finally feel like summer recipes, even if the thermometer of these days has seen a sharp decline. Fresh fish, blue fish that is so good, rich in omega 3 ... and do a bit healthier than the post after so many of us want sweets! At my house we all love fish, but for some it seems that not satisfied with sufficiency, and then the menu should include a "reinforcement". This I generally argues in favor of second courses of "substance" that are based upon the meat. I, however, I found myself in time to appreciate things more and more frugal, a good ripe tomatoes dressed with good olive oil and a slice of home made bread, an egg poached with strictly organic chicory, 2 spaghetti with fresh tomatoes sautéed with olive oil , garlic and fresh basil and other delicacies of this kind with primary flavors, flavors without contamination of many ingredients and that distinguish the palate. I do not dislike certain dishes but the most demanding research, everyday life, simple tastes and rewarding, not by chance on my list did not include the meat. for about 6 people

1700 g of sardines

1 / 2 bowl of grated bread
  • 200 g of cheese maturing short
  • oregano quite a bit
  • pepper according to your taste

  • extra virgin olive oil 3 large beautiful San Marzano tomatoes, firm and ripe
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 bay leaves salt
  • clearly the sardines by removing the head, viscera and backbone. Wash thoroughly and dry well. Place the bread in a bowl and grated pecorino also grated, a pinch of oregano and pepper. In pan pour a little oil, sardines past nell'impanatura open book, put a little even in the middle and close them. Gradually lay them side by side and very close to the pan. Now put a few tablespoons of olive oil, two cloves of garlic and bay leaves in a pan. Fry and add, after the proceeds of filettone, the seeded tomatoes and liquid. Let cook a few minutes alive. Arrange the fillets on sardines and sprinkle with remaining breadcrumbs over the surface of the cake, add the bay leaves and sprinkle with the seasoning of cooking tomatoes after removing the garlic. Add salt and bake for about 30 min. 200 °
. I'm really pleased with the outcome, very good!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How Does A Person Develop An Eating Disorder

Sardines in a post a day ... and yogurt cakes and pies

But what I have been away from this "limbo" in the kitchen! Damn me, I do not find much time to devote to this "insane passion". I cook, I cook, I assure you! as always and even more than usual but this time I have so many things that I mix for the brain that sometimes do not photograph the plate, sometimes shooting thousand photos and then remain on the machine and the exhaust and some reckless child I eliminate them. Now the promise is dobbligo (because my faithful readers are always here to leave comments despite my inaction) and then ok ... a post a day keeps the doctor away! Oh, do not exaggerate, not Now, as often happens, I came up with a fix. Yes, one that when you find a recipe that you love starts to decline in 1000 versions. A mixture with yogurt. A simple mixture with yogurt!

I do not know what I have taken, but the result is turning out a flurry muffins, apple pies and cakes "smooth" with more or less the same ingredients for about a month. Today, even two identical small cakes and bake in unison (which is never left without dessert). Nor was a sweet pastry that high needs to be developed in the thousands of steps, but a very simple "throw it all together and mix." If someone happened to have a similar setting, is asked to come forward to help me out of the tunnel of yogurt!

300 g of flour baking powder 8 g 1 teaspoon baking soda
180 g sugar 2 eggs
  • 125 g greek yoghurt or cream (more if you want a sweet aromatic use it to fruit) 150 g of milk
  • 60 g butter, melted pinch of salt

  • vanilla Sift flour with baking powder and baking soda. Put in a bowl the sugar and eggs, beat well for a few minutes. United yogurt, salt and vanilla, mix for ammalgamare everything. Little time together the flour alternating with milk until all of both ingredients. Finally add the melted butter, making sure to incorporate it well, well. The dough should be nice and smooth and, raising his whip, to make the "ribbon". Possibly regulator with more or less milk.
  • Grease and flour pan, large or small, and pour the mixture. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake (about 25 to 30 min. Cupcakes, 45 to 60 min. The cake).
  • These doses are about 15 medium muffin pan or a 22 cm. Doubling the dough I got two cakes from 20 cm in diameter fired simultaneously.

You can add as desired: raisins, apples, chocolate chips, or eat it ... so smooth. Se chiusa in un porta torte resta morbida per alcuni giorni.
Ieri ho servito le ultime due fette di torta decorando i piatti con fettine di pesca e yugurt ( da: "come rendere appetibile un avanzo che ti guarda triste triste perchè tutti lo snobbano").

Se vi sovvengono altre varianti, siete pregati ...di non farvi venire la stessa fissa!

Super Simple Digital Camera

The Poggiarello and Open Cellars

Oggi un post è d'obbligo! Un post per ringraziare gli amici del " Il Poggiarello " che oggi, durante la manifestazione dedicata a "cantine aperte", mi ha gentilmente ospitata. La giornata, a parte il vento fresco, era piena di sole e luce e da questa dolce collina si apre un panorama davvero suggestivo sui vigneti e sulla Val Trebbia.

La degustazione era articolata in diverse tappe, e attraverso un percorso che si snodava tra i vigneti si raggiungevano le varie postazioni. Una speciale zona, dedicata ai vini riserva, è stata allestita nel bellissimo giardino a terrazzo; un ricco buffet ha accompagnato la mescita dei vini.
La famiglia Ferrari&Perini, si compone di numerosissime persone; zii, figli nipoti, nonni (molti of whom I've known since I was born) ... all actively involved in these events and all the front line to welcome guests with a smile and make people discover the wines and a company that is run by four generations of the pssione who love their work.

There will be comments from me on wines, tasting nothing for me today, in the drawer but I wish to extend my lack of knowledge of how to choose a day without fail a special wine pairing it with a special dish.

Here Poggiarello found another post ... but that's another story!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Islamic Wedding Card Message

Blocker "Versilia" and the story of a donut Sunday

of my childhood and left the sweet memory of my mother, on Sunday morning and early, was lavish in the kitchen for Sunday lunch. All week meals were consumed quickly between work, school and commitments of all, but Sunday was not Sunday without anything special. And then I read could not be missing, and in that case were of the obligation passatelli, or guinea fowl or roast duck. However, the menu is accompanied invariably with a nice donut. High above it a soft and beautiful crust of sugar. Not that my mom was an excellent cook, in fact, say that lacked the imagination that makes the cuisine varied and interesting, but since they are the flavors of my childhood ... pathetic? No I do not think, good or bad the food of our mothers, grandmothers or aunts are wonderful memories of taste and smell, even before visual.
All this background, to tell of my recent discovery, or rather rediscovery! The day before yesterday at the home of my father (the mother is not now for some year, unfortunately) by opening a mobile lounge, I found a cake mold that was exactly, what my mother used every Sunday, every Sunday of my childhood. 'S one of those aluminum molds with a lid that serves to make a small oven. It is laid directly over the flame of the stove and inside the dough, cover E. .. leaving a beautiful ring that releases a high and delightful fragrance throughout the house. Here's my olfactory memory!

When I opened my eyes, I came a smell of delicious cake that came from the kitchen and was the clear signal that it was Sunday and that I had my mom all day for me.
Finding this mold was a thrill really strong, and the idea of \u200b\u200bperpetuating the tradition, really compelling. Until this morning, did not even know his name die "Versilia", but looking for a recipe online that could give me some tips on how to use it, I came across recipes that call it so. They are generally keen observer, but I definitely had escaped the inscription on the cover of aluminum: Oreste Pardini spa - Oven VERSILIA patented.

The first attempt to say that we can define a test, mostly because the intensity of heat and cooking times are definitely to be calibrated, but the result was not disappointing at all.
My ring is the classic marbled, but I remember that my mother made it a banana with yogurt and pieces of pear, or a mashed banana in the dough. Well, now I just have to find my ideal and bake a cake every Sunday morning for eternity. Thanks mom!

200 g sugar 3 eggs
100 g butter, melted
  • 400 g of flour 1 glass of warm milk
  • grated rind of one lemon
  • little vanilla essence a pinch of salt 15 g

  • cream of tartar 1 tablespoon cocoa
  • Whisk in a bowl the eggs with sugar, salt, vanilla essence and lemon rind. United half the flour sifted with baking powder, and begin to incorporate it with the whip, if too thickens, add a little milk. Proceed with a few spoonfuls of milk Faria AC, finally dissolved add the butter and cool. Stir the mixture well, to be fluid and go down to tape. Divide into two bowls and add a tablespoon of cocoa. Mix well and, having greased and floured the oven "Versilia", pour the mixture alternating with cocoa to those without.
  • lid and put the stamp on the fire with the lowest spargifiamma. Leave it for a maximum of 5 min. then lower to low and simmer for about 30/40 min. without finding out. At this point, nothing should happen if you lift the lid to check the cooking, always leave a further 15 minutes on low fire.
  • As with all cakes, the rule applies to the toothpick. I must say that along the way I shot a few times and adjusted the cooking was slightly longer because they feared that burn at some point or interposed between the fire and mold a cast iron plate.
I think that among the many who follow my blog there are atrettanti happy owners of kitchen tools and who have inherited, for each one of them, a special significance. The great joy of being able to still use them makes it precious and irreplaceable.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Diagram Of How The Shutter Speed Works

Launch of the "two days" of Gutturnio Festival

25 and 26 April to Carpaneto Piacentino back Gutturnio Festival

Many complain that not I am interested in wine, it really is one of my absence! Good food, you know, is in a good glass of wine a perfect accompaniment. I really like to learn how to match wines with my meals, but for now I just play it safe with an excellent Gutturnio that without any doubt, it goes wonderfully with the traditional cuisine of Piacenza. If you are on the parts of Piacenza does not mind a nice wine tasting event, you can reach us in Carpaneto Piacentino, a charming town at the foot of the Colli Piacentini.
This year our wines will feature in two days dedicated to wine tastings, wine pairings, insights and direct meetings between wine producers, wineries and thousands of fans, drawn to one area, characterized by the union of wine, gastronomy and culture .
attended by nearly 40 wineries that produce and market their wines and other Gutturnio Piacentini. This fourth edition of the Festival is dedicated to the GUT Gutturnio wine. The two days will be arranged with tastings and free tours, tasting and pairing tables enable visitors not only enjoy the wine and other Gutturnio Piacentini DOC wines, but also to know the story and find the best combinations. Manufacturers and Sommelier illustrate the organoleptic and sensory, and will accompany the wines with some typical products Piacenza known around the world (the three meats Doubt - pork, bacon and sausage - and some local cheese, Grana Padano, including the product in the Piacenza) , with dishes prepared by renowned Chef and students of the Hotel School.
Each visitor can freely build their own path of free tasting, meeting directly i Produttori e le Cantine che aderiscono alla manifestazione e seguendo, oltre che la propria curiosità, i suggerimenti e i consigli dei Sommelier AIS e Fisar.
Le degustazioni libere si terranno nel cortile del Palazzo Comunale il 25 aprile dalle 15 alle 22 e il 26 aprile dalle 10 alle 22. Per conoscere meglio il Gutturnio Frizzante, le sue inaspettate potenzialità e i migliori abbinamenti enogastronomici, nei pomeriggi del 25 e del 26 aprile presso il piano superiore del Palazzo Comunale, si svolgeranno diverse degustazioni guidate dai sommelier.

Tra le novità di quest’anno un Happy Hour dedicato ai fruitori più giovani: sulla Following the success of last year both evenings of the event are dedicated to the meeting and knowledge with the younger generation, encouraged to approach the Gutturnio Sparkling Wines Piacentini and other features to discover the charm, versatility and, most secondary to understand how to consume responsibly, so that the drink is really good and only one of the pleasures of the palate and life, as well as an important part of our diet.

The Selection Committee, highly qualified - which this year gives a premium quality wine at the best Gutturnio -, recommended to use the opportunity to taste, at an agreed price (25 euros) and for the duration of the festival, many restaurants in selected dishes from Piacenza Piacenza through an initiative called Coffee.

E 'possible participation in the reserve tastings, as well as on-site, by writing to:

In the delightful surroundings of Town Hall will host Carpaneto Piacentino art exhibition and a close friend Maureen

expose his "Vinarelli.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Frustration Game Rules

Risotto with eggplant cream and lettuce

Solito risotto on Sunday. This time I felt the need to make it spring, the sun finally reappears after this long winter and preparations for the Easter lunch become compelling. By the way, what brought to the table for Easter? I have a beautiful rabbit, really ours, that is waiting there looking frozen, to be put in casserole. Accepted willingly tasty ideas. for risotto with vegetables, vegetable stock I just can not understand why ... you could turn it into a small soup) and then I found a recipe nothing bad about that nice encyclopedia of "Italian Cuisine" and the obvious changes (as always) here is a delicious dish for the spring / summer 2009 .

for 4

liter and 1 / 2 of meat broth (chicken, which remains perhaps the most delicate) or vegetable if you prefer
  • 1 eggplant extra virgin olive oil
  • oregano
  • a shallot
  • 350 g of rice rome
  • 1 / 2 cup dry white wine
  • few leaves of tender lettuce
  • 70 g of growth yoghurt
  • Wash and dice the eggplant with the skin. Put in a colander, sprinkle with salt and let drain 1 hour. Put a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan, squeeze the cubes of eggplant and let it simmer on low heat, season with salt and sprinkle with a generous pinch of oregano. Let cool and frullatene the 3 / 4. Heat the broth and keep warm over very low heat.
  • Place in casserole or Rice, a few tablespoons of olive oil and shallots finely sliced, allowed to dry on low heat and add the rice. Toast the rice to soak stirring because the seasoning, pour the white wine and let it evaporate. Add the hot broth to cover rice, stir and cover. Let cook over low heat, adding as dry, hot broth. Prepare the lettuce and cut into strips.
  • 5 minutes before turning off, add the eggplant puree and growth. Season with salt. Spegnente and add the lettuce, stir, and if needed, add more broth to a goccino. Capped a minute. Serve the risotto on plate and serve with the diced eggplant held separately.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How To Boil Smoked Ham

Half sleeves dream of Sicily

This chaotic period and no schedules will not allow me to cook and how I wish today, a burning desire a pasta dish as it should, I recalled that I had a nice package in the pantry with half sleeves Cav. Cocco waiting for me.

350 g sleeved
200 grams of swordfish
  • a long aubergine 10 cherry tomatoes
  • pizzuttelli
  • 1 / 2 red onion

  • a stalk of celery
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • chili
  • extra virgin olive oil salt
  • Place a colander in the eggplant cut into cubes and add salt. Let it drain for an hour.
  • Put a saucepan with water and add salt to a boil before you throw the dough.
Chop celery and onion and let simmer with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes. Add tomatoes quartered, salted and left to dry. Remove from pan and set aside. Squeeze the diced eggplant and let them jump in a little oil in same pan for a few minutes. Also remove the eggplants and set aside. While the pasta cooks, make fry two cloves of garlic in 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add pepper, a sprig of thyme and swordfish cubes.
Fry quickly, remove the garlic and add all the vegetables prepared in advance. Cook one minute, season with salt. Once the pasta is cooked, drain and let it blow with the fragrant sauce, adding a little olive oil.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Question 2 On Manchester Access Programme

soft Blueberry Muffin

was a long time that I experienced not a recipe for muffins che mi appagasse con un risultato così morbido. Questi sono perfetti anche il giorno ci arrivano al giorno dopo! Io li ho preparati ieri e oggi ne staziona uno, solo soletto, sotto la campana di vetro dell'alzatina che vedete nella foto. Devo stare attenta, oppure la sfida con il mio peso forma, riacquistato dopo immani sacrifici, verrà vanificata in breve.
Hey ... it's gone the last muffin! You can not distract you for a moment in this house: worse than the grasshoppers! for 14/16 muffins

300 g of flour

9 g of yeast
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 g greek yoghurt
  • 150 g of milk
  • 60 g butter, melted
  • la buccia di un limone grattugiata
  • un pizzico di sale
  • vaniglia
  • 150 g di mirtilli
  • Fate fondere il burro. Rompetele le uova in una terrina, aggiungete lo yogurt, il latte, il burro fuso e mescolate bene. In un altra terrina, ponete tutti gli ingredienti secchi e quindi unite il contenuto dei due contenitori. Mescolate brevemente per ammalgamare e aggiungete i mirtilli lavati ed asciugati. Mescolate ancora velocemente e riempite i pirottini di carta posti nello stampo per muffin. Infornate a 180° per circa 20 min. fino a che saranno belli gonfi e dorati. Fate la prova stecchino per verificare che l'interno sia asciutto. Sfornateli e fateli raffreddare sulla gratella.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Throat Blood Blisters

bream with crispy vegetables

La situazione meteorologica, consiglierebbe al nostro stomaco una bella polenta fumante oppure una calda zuppa corroborante...nonchè un bollito misto senza eguali, ma io ho bisogno di mare, di sole, di colore! Due spaghetti con le vongole not have them removed, then no, these beautiful sea bream baked, with many colors and scents. A remnant of the sea in this gray, flat, snowy plains.

4 bream from portion

10 cherry tomatoes 1 large carrot
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 / 2 red onion
  • 1 / 2 bell pepper Red
  • 1 bunch of parsley

  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil 2 bay leaves
  • 1 / 2 cup dry white wine
  • Eviscerate, sea bream, scaled and washed well. Pat dry and slit on one side, with three or four diagonal cuts. Salt the inside and allinatele on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Slowly moisten with white wine. Turn on the oven and bring to 200 degrees.
  • net all the vegetables, cut into two
  • tomatoes and distribute them around the bream, salted. Finely chop the parsley and place in a bowl. Brunoise Cut carrot, celery, onion and pepper and add to the parsley. Salt the vegetables and sprinkle with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Toss in the bowl and then spread it all over and around the sea bream. Chop up the leaves bay leaves (preferably a little dry) and place it among the fishes. Bake and cook 20/25 min. about (when the fish is cooked, the eye becomes covered with a white coating). Filleted and served with vegetables in hot dishes, which will remain a little crunchy and the sauce.