Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Raven Riley Hardcore Movie

Risotto Cakes caramel smoked summer

Eccomi qui dopo un pò di assenza. Un bel risottino per farmi perdonare non so se è sufficente... ma quello è! Mi piace davvero tanto questo risotto e anche se le temperature sono elevate basta lasciarlo un pò intiepidire prima di impiattarlo e vi assicuro che è meglio di tante insalate di riso. Il piatto freddo ad oltranza non mi si addice e fatico a trovare soddisfazione nei piatti estivi per antonomasia. E' vero che il risotto bello bollente and possibly combined with a bone hole is definitely too much for a dinner of August but, put your friends in a garden in the evening with a little breeze here and the risotto with vegetables becomes a 'much more attractive alternative of the usual pasta salad.

for 4 people 380 g of rice rome
chicken broth 1 yellow pepper 1 shallot

extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 cup dry white wine a pinch of saffron
smoked salt 1
scamorza diced tomato, smoked

Put the casserole a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with sliced \u200b\u200bscallions. Let soften the shallots over a low heat and add the sliced \u200b\u200bbell pepper always up to. When the pepper is well wilted, add the rice, toast and blended with wine. When you start adding the broth evaporated. Halfway through cooking add the blasts. Let the rice and a little soupy (while cooling will finish cooking and absorb the excess stock). Turn off and add the diced smoked cheese, diced tomatoes and a generous pinch of smoked salt. Stir, let cool and serve your guests that you certainly will ask for an encore.


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