Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sore Neck Snowboarding

A soft and fragrant cake pan

would be good 'bout with a flurry bake cakes and bread. I absolutely must get a commitment that takes me away from home every day for at least 12 hours straight! The line may be affected and then I'm afraid the next electricity bill will be a little "leaven." As can be seen from the last post, my obsession of the moment is the yeast cake or pie "belief". That cake that usually makes a fine show itself under the bell glass dell'alzatina (ragalo very welcome my cousin) and that the hungry inhabitants of the house should be gradually "tasting" during the raid in a variety of cuisine. egg whites, the result is far from guaranteed . few days ago I came across a soft cake that I fear has triggered yet another challenge to myself. And because they are tough head (but go!) Here I am that I just baked an hour ago! And to be exact ... the second in two days from there to throw in an industrial production is a short step! The great inspiration
Of this cake is very good Paoletta that makes us dream with her recipes and her beautiful pictures. The blog is sio
here and found the cake here.
I will put my version .. but I fear not the last, as I suggested I could make a mix recipe for yogurt and the latter. We'll let you know if there will be a sequel ... like:
La torta da credenza 3 " la vendetta " 100 g di burro 125 g di zucchero (ne ho aumentato un pò la dose)
  • pizzico di sale

  • 3 uova
  • 160 g di latte
  • 250 g di farina
  • 1/2 butina di lievito ( Paoletta ne usa 1 intera, ma io temo sempre di percepirne il sapore e quindi ho ridotto)
  • la buccia gratuggiata di un limone bio
  • vaniglia
  • Let the butter soften at room temperature. Sift flour with baking powder. Add sugar to butter and fitted well with a whisk, add the lemon peel and egg yolks one by one, beat well. Unizo alternatela adding flour and milk, stirring constantly. Beat the egg whites until stiff add a pinch of salt. Add to the mixture without disassembly. Grease and flour a cake pan with diam. 22 and pour the mixture, bake at 60 degrees and then turn up the oven to 180 ° (Paoletta says that doing so is not just aesthetic form that dome in the center of the cake) and cook. Enough in my oven 40 min. Remove from the oven when it is beautiful golden and toothpick test will tell you that inside is dry. Place on a wire rack to cool. You can sprinkle icing sugar (we do not really like cream cakes) or prepare a delicious cream for the topping. If protected from the air, r
esta nice soft a few days,


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