Friday, December 24, 2010

Heart Palpitations And Kidneys

Google docs

Google docs, very useful tool for sharing documents, has new features such as creating slides.
sharing can only be for display, but also with the possibility of change.
The creator of the document may allow a public or private access.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Discovery Island Bahama

Pubblicata la nota dell'USR per il Lazio

Circulars and notes
National Project MIUR - CONI - PCM "Literacy as primary motor 2010/2011"
Download Note USR 33022 of 21/12/2010 Prot

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Church Service Greetings

Progetto nazionale M.I.U.R. – C.O.N.I. – P.C.M. “Alfabetizzazione motoria scuola primaria a.s. 2010/2011” - Compliance

Project in question will find its implementation during 1 febbraio/31 May 2011 and has the following general features which are reported in summary
· is realized in all regions and provinces with the provision of two hours per week of activity in each of the classes involved for a total of thirty hours
· is based on the uniformity of the scientific and methodological on the entire national territory, under the direct responsibility of teachers of primary school education which is supported by an expert in physical education;
· the learning objectives pursued are firmly rooted in those prescribed in National Guidelines for primary school ;
• it has witnessed a phase of training given to the experts and supervisors who will be involved in the extension of the project and those that eventually will take over in place of teachers used in the pilot project of the school year 2009/2010;
° shall be subject monitoring of outcomes in order to refine tests provided continuity in its triennale;
· è finanziato con fondi messi a disposizione dal M.I.U.R. e dal C.O.N.I. nonché con ogni altra eventuale risorsa proveniente dagli enti territoriali.
- Leggi la Nota Prot. n. 7995 del 15.12.2010 >>

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Inukshuk Worksheet Primary

carry the article published
Even for 2011 ANITeL organizes training courses open to all free thanks to the spirit of cooperative learning that distinguishes the community. Managers, teachers, tutors make themselves available for voluntary and free of charge in accordance with the statutory objectives of the association considers continuing education a necessary job requirement.

The only contribution is required on the certification required, as training body accredited by the Ministry of Education. The tender, rich and high-level, includes eight different courses:

Open in new window

1 - Teaching with the LIM
2 - how to create an e-book
3 - managing a Moodle
4 - create lessons Exelearning
5 - multimedia in teaching
6 - Second Life Level 1
7 - Second Life Level 2
8 - language education in Second Life

The routes are divided into weekly lessons .
at 1-introductory meeting: TV STREAMING>> Introduction
live via web streaming TV aims to illustrate the path, the initial requirements, the preliminary ideas, examining the needs and expectations of students
2 - Headquarters Meeting in the presence of synchronous: SecondAnitel>>
Dating presence on Second Life 3D virtual platform (secondAnitel) for the interaction of learning and socialization as a moment of synchronous coaching and counseling
3 - Platform Moodle ANITEL FAD>>
on Moodle LMS sarà implementato tutto il materiale suddiviso per modulo. Il corsista dovrà sviluppare tutti gli argomenti, realizzare e inviare i propri elaborati assistito dai tutor e dai forum specifici all'interno di ogni modulo del corso nei quali sarà possibile la condivisione e la cooperazione.
La piattaforma è lo strumento di monitorazione e di certificazione ufficiale finale. Tramite SLOODLE sarà possibile anche tracciare e documentare la presenza e l'apporto di ogni corsista in Second Life.

Open in new window

Gli ambienti d'iscrizione saranno aperti gradualmente rispetto alla data d'inizio. Per ora sono già aperti quelli il cui inizio è previsto for January-February. Coming soon will be active all the others.
Remember to sign up to the platform by releasing all the actual data and compulsory by law in your profile (pre-requisite for the attestation) and sign the regulation according to the following URL:




pre-enroll COURSES>>

Open in new window

Monday, December 6, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Twice Twins

implementing sport education in schools in Rome, third edition of the "Ludi Motors"

L'Assessorato capitolino alla Scuola ha firmato un protocollo d'intesa con Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Lazio, CONI Provinciale-Roma e CIP Provinciale-Roma e presentato la III edizione dei "Ludi Motorii". Il Protocollo, della durata di 3 anni, crea una collaborazione interistituzionale per la realizzare di iniziative e progetti di educazione fisica e sportiva che integrino e supportino l'attività motoria nelle scuole romane.
Un ampio numero di scuole potranno essere coinvolte anche grazie alla sinergia con l'iniziativa del Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Coni, che dall'anno scorso hanno avviato il piano nazionale per l'Alfabetizzazione motoria nella scuola primaria . Partito inizialmente in forma sperimentale in 31 province italiane, Roma compresa, il Piano è stato coordinato dal Comitato provinciale.
Il Campidoglio in particolare promuove, per il terzo anno consecutivo, i "Ludi Motorii", che puntano ad avvicinare i bambini delle scuole elementari romane all'attività motoria e alla pratica presportiva in modo semplice e divertente. Nel corso dell'anno scolastico gli istituti delle scuole primarie (classi III, IV e V) che aderiscono al project may benefit from the advice of tutors, or specialized technicians and graduates in Physical Education and Sport Sciences, identified among experts in physical activity included in the lists municipal 2010-2013. This assists the work of teachers competent staff, both through monthly meetings with lectures at the gym, for a total of 10 hours in class.
In previous editions of the "Ludi Motors" involving more than 30 thousand pupils in primary schools in the capital, this year the schools are concerned about 100, with 480 classes, 1000 teachers and over 10,000 children.
The project will conclude in May with the "Children's Festival of the City of Rome," an event to be attended all schools that have joined the project. Moreover, in the belief that a healthy lifestyle is learned very little since, starting this school year, the Department has introduced the Capitoline preschools municipal training courses based on psychomotor
The initiative, funded with more than € 2 million, involving 33,800 children aged 3 to 6 years of 309 municipal kindergartens.
(source: City of Rome )

Friday, December 3, 2010

Infant Ear With Chunky Wax Coming Out

Isef The Award does not apply to the USR for Lazio

Buongiorno, Jacopo
are Balocco, to support in-service teacher at the high schools of the Province of Rome.
I write to inform you about: The

USR USR Note for Lazio with the Prot 23,743 06/10/2010 publishes the notice of admission to the Advanced Training Course for Teachers "Culture of the inclusion of the pupil with a disability"
( / ).
I, like many other teachers, I decided to participate in the selection based on qualifications.
The USR USR Note for Lazio with 29,524 of 25/11/2010 Prot publish the list of teachers admitted to the course
( / nota_prot_29524_2010.pdf ) declare only a certain number of teachers for the lack of requirements.

Following a brief tour of contacts it turns out that the teachers and excluded 'have a Diploma in Physical Education and precisely the type of security has led the Board of Examiners to determine exclusion for lack of requirements.

surprised and saddened by what I learned that the Selection Board did not take account of the Law June 18, 2002, n.136, July 8, 2002 published in OJ No 158, aiming to achieve "Equivalence between the diploma in physical education and a degree in science of physical activities and sports, so that 'reads:

Article 1.
1. in physical education diplomas awarded by higher education physical state of Rome and the higher institutes of physical education trimmed under Article 28 of Law 7 February 1958, No 88 degrees are treated as belonging to Class 33 of the decree of the Minister for Universities and Scientific and Technological Research August 4, 2000, published in Ordinary Supplement to Official Gazette No. 245, October 19, 2000, for access to public competitions and professional activities.
2. Each university, in its autonomy, can define the access of those who are in possession of a certificate issued by the institutions referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2, letter a) of Legislative Decree 8 May 1998, No 178, and those who have qualified as provided for in Article 5, paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Minister and scientific research and technological January 15, 1999, published in the Official Gazette No. 18 of 23 January 1999, the postgraduate courses related to the classes 53 / S, 75, and 76 S / S by Decree of the Minister of University and Scientific and Technological Research November 28, 2000, published in Ordinary Supplement to Official No official 18 of 23 January 2001, and the master first level university.

therefore ask you kindly to make representations to the Examination Committee and whether it is true that I exposed the reconstruction in order to eliminate any misunderstanding could arise in this regard.

Vs course of attention, cordially

Iacopo Balocco

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coolmath Pokemon Games

new Memorandum of Understanding Signed Muir-CONI. Literacy project continues Motor

Mariastella Gelmini Minister and the President of CONI Giovanni Petrucci signed today at Palazzo Chigi, in the presence of Secretary of State for Sport Mr Rocco Crimi, the new Memorandum of Understanding for the revival of physical activity and sports in schools of all levels.
iur CONI and consider the physical education a key instrument for shaping the character of young people. For this
Guidelines have been promoted by the minister Gelmini signed in August 2009 and the Motor Project Literacy in primary schools.
If the special mission of the school and education, it is equally important its educational role, to be shared with other key educational agencies, like the family and the land with its sports facilities, cultural and social.
To achieve these objectives, we will continue with the project of Motor literacy in primary school, started last year as a "Pilot Project", which has had positive feedback from the academic world.

(...) - continue on>>

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Greetings Quotes

literacy in primary motor as 2010/2011: the Ministry of Education provides € 2.5 million

PRESS CAPD LSM & N ° 32 of November 1, 2010
Dear colleagues, decided after
intervention of rebuke from the president of CONI national Petrucci, against the minister Gelmini, said the lack of response to the commitment of the cones of the same provision of € 5 million (as for the school year 2009/2010) in the project "Literacy in primary schools" (Gazzetta dello Sport October 27 2010) was held two days after the meeting between Ministry of Education and cones.

The joint statement after the meeting, said the continuation of the project for the 2010/2011 as well with the provision by the Ministry of Education of EUR 2.5 million (Gazzetta dello Sport October 29, 2010).

for months, as a confederation, also expects the Ministry of Education put its resources into literacy. It was unthinkable a project run by the school and the school was funded entirely by an external body.

CAPD From September 4: As a first step we ask the Ministry of Education to make available to the literacy project for the year 2010/2011 of EUR 5 million, equal to the resources of the cones already confirmed. (Still have not been spending all the resources of 440 for 2009 with surplus of 2-3 million euro). This would allow to double in 2011 the provinces involved in the pilot project.

For subsequent years, the Ministry of Education could use the financial instrument of L.440, providing an increase in its funding for the project to cover the three-year expenditure. Other implementations the project could be sought by the Regions, local authorities and third parties.

Now the time of the project for the years 2010-2011, given the delay of the Ministry of Education, seem inevitably move in January-February 2011, unlike previous statements, providing for continuity of teaching with the school year 2009/2010.

We continue to reiterate that the Ministry of Education should establish the organizational design and financial intervention in the primary motor activity that is at least three years and no breath of continuous run-up to school year already begun human resources and financial arrangements to get to project in 2013, as in our initial hypothesis, to propose the activities for at least 30 (of 50 promises) hours per year in each class Italian primary school, taught by Isef graduates or graduates in Physical Education. Follow up

A hug
President Flavio Cucchi
Venezia-Mestre November 1, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Top 10 2009 Commercial Sayings

The complex learning

's Blog Eleanor Guglielmana a podcast on his speech at the 2009 Dulp on complex learning .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Christmas Burthday Cartoons

CONI-MIUR: Joint press release after the meeting-Gelmini

was held this morning in Rome a meeting between the Minister of 'Education, University and Research, Mariastella Gelmini, and the President of CONI, Giovanni Petrucci, in the presence of Vice President of CONI, Riccardo Agabio, the Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, the member of the Board, Manuela Di Centa, the Chief of Cabinet MIUR, Vincenzo Nunziata e del Direttore Generale per lo Studente, Massimo Zennaro.
Dopo aver analizzato tutte una serie di argomenti relativi al rapporto Sport e Scuola è stato confermato con piena soddisfazione di MIUR e CONI anche per l’anno scolastico 2010-2011 il Progetto di “Alfabetizzazione Motoria” nella scuola primaria che ha riscosso nella stagione di avvio giudizi positivi e unanimi consensi. Tale progetto sarà ulteriormente incrementato nel territorio grazie agli investimenti già programmati di MIUR e CONI.
I dettagli del progetto e le ulteriori iniziative in favore del rapporto Sport e Scuola verranno illustrate nel corso di una conferenza stampa dal Ministro Gelmini e dal Presidente Petrucci il prossimo 11 novembre a Palazzo Chigi.
Roma, 28 ottobre 2010
( fonte: )

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stomach Ulcer O Blood Group

Petrucci Petrucci, the project-school sports should not be bogged

Fissato per il 28 ottobre un nuovo incontro tra il presidente del Coni, e il Ministro dell'Istruzione Gelmini.
Se il progetto “Alfabetizzazione motoria nella scuola primaria” non decolla bisognerebbe chiedere spiegazioni al ministero dell’Istruzione: è questo il messaggio inviato a Roma dal presidente del Comitato olimpico nazionale italiano, Gianni Petrucci, nel corso del convegno “L’educazione motoria, fisica e sportiva in Italia”, svolto presso la sala delle Colonne di Palazzo Marini del Coni.
«Il Coni - ha detto Petrucci - ha investito 5 milioni di euro per la prima fase che prevedeva nel 2010 la realizzazione di un progetto pilota: da parte nostra c’è tutta la volontà e la disponibilità affinché l’iniziativa prosegua, ma i contratti, si sa, si firmano in due, e il Miur è da un po’ di tempo che non ci risponde più su questo straordinario progetto che si sta arenando. La mia è una esortazione perché per andare avanti deve esserci l’impegno di entrambe le parti: noi - ha concluso il presidente del Coni - siamo sempre disponibili, ma non vogliamo restare in sala d’attesa».
- continua su >>

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blood Blisters On Gums

Mizu No Zare Streaming

Velicty Von Wikepedia

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baby Persistent Dry Cough

ANISN XV National Conference - 7-12 September 2010 Naples

XV conference dell'ANISN The National Association of teachers of natural sciences, is to run until September 12, 2010 at the Congress Centre via Partenope, 36 Naples. Excellent work, and many materials available to science teachers. One of the few opportunities for interaction and dissemination of information about teaching science.

Coach Purse Store Minnesota

Save Science City of Naples

Calling all here is the link to sign the petition ..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dental Collection Letter

Continuation of the national project "Literacy physical education in primary school year 2010-2011"

motor The literacy project, a collaboration between this Ministry, the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the contribution of the Italian Paralympic Committee, aimed at the promotion and enhancement of motor activity in primary school , started with a pilot project in the school year 2009 - 2010 has seen very positive results.
The analysis of monitoring systems set up in collaboration with the University of Verona has shown substantial improvement of motor skills of children involved in the project, and as good as were the findings by families and school staff with a percentage rating of over 90% of respondents.
experience has involved:
31 provinces
100 986 1100
experts complexes of 700 educational institutes
9000 classes
230,000 pupils
246,000 hours of overall activity
The positive analysis of the data resulting from surveys made, which may in be treated exhaustively here, but that will soon be made available, encourage those who have contributed to its preparation for the continuation of the experience started with the projected three-year plan and to its possible implementation, involving new school buildings, achievable through economic synergies Directors of the undersigned, CONI, regional or local authorities who wish to join the initiative. In this sense, has already been the availability of various local governments.
The details of the implementations will be mentioned next ministerial note that specificheràtempi, procedures, organizational arrangements and any other necessary profile, while it is already now possible to confirm the continuation of the experience already activated in institutes that were involved in a pilot project in past school year, and, if available, may already be included in the POF own literacy project motor. Continuity involves
also the human resources used, unless there are reasons to make substitutions, in which case they will follow the tried and tested procedures. The Directorate General shall
writer later start times and the organizational procedures of the trial. DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL

Sergio Scala
Prot No 5284
Ministry of Education, University and Research
Directorate General for the student, integration, participation and communication
Rome, August 30, 2010
Subject: Continuation of the national project MIUR - CONI - PCM
Literacy physical education in primary school year 2010-2011

External Iphone Screen

Workshop: Second Life and virtual teaching

The project MediaZoo Gilly Salmon September 22, 2010 in the sim in Second Life Media Zoo workshop will be held on Second Life and Virtual Teaching . The workshop will address the educational applications of 3D worlds like Second Life ..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taxi Manhattan To Woodbury Outlets

Frontiers of e-learning .. the complex learning

THE Learning Complex (Ferri, in Nacamulli, 2003) is considered la quarta e ultima generazione dell'e-learning ed è definito come una integrazione di modalità e sistemi di e-learning in cui l'apprendimento è attivo, motivato e creativo. Esiste una numerosa bibliografia sull'argomento, ma ci sono anche opinioni molto differenti su di esso. Alcuni approfondimenti ed esperienze con cui chiarirsi le idee  sono:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kitchenaid Outlet Store Pennsylvania

Workshop Teaching mind ...

Dalla caccia al tesoro a "Peter and the Wolf" to the Storytelling ... here are some of the appointments of the exhibition of corsisiti Anitel ee of the students of the University of Macerata followed by tutor Laura Faithful ...
here is a link-depth curated by the students of the University of Macerata ..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jcpenney Hair Salon Prices

educational exhibition ... MIND IN VIRTUAL WORLDS ELEARNING

15 June -18 July 2010

Gallery Szczepanski e SecondAnitel, a national association teachers tutor e-learning course in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning with MUVEs (University of Macerata) in Sim Gallery Szczepanski "owner Pauline Szczepanski



by June 15 to July 18, 2010 ... the show TEACHING MIND - E-LERNING IN VIRTUAL WORLD

the inauguration will be held June 15, 2010 22:30

The exhibition brings together the experiments carried out during the teaching of courses and Anitel 'University of Macerata in Second Life in 2010, workshops will be offered the timetable can be visited at the following link & CTZ = Europe / Rome

participate as exhibitors and workshop:

3) GLAUCA Benelli - PUPPETER BY A Lavoisier
5) Lisa Tebaldi - SLOODLE
6) Calliope LEXINGTON - Holodeck AROUND ....
7) Astra MARTIAN AND Richy RIBA-flags and Countries of the World: an intercultural itinerary inworld
8) Liliana Wirsing - Geometry and Analysis IN SECOND LIFE
9) Cordero Loire and Lisa Tebaldi - TREASURE HUNT
11) Gabriella Herbit - TEACHING MIND ... (Educational Environments)
12) Paolino SCZENPASKI - da google a...
13)mastrogiu MIAMI : Pierino e il Lupo... una favola in Second Life
14)Kika CHROME -Pitagora e la musica metallica
15)Il corso exeleraning con Learning Object in Second Life
16) Elsa INNOVIA, Micol SEEROSE, ALTEA CORE, LadyD ADMIRAL: la comunicazione assertiva
17)Geordie Robbiani : ....
18)Lisa TEBALDI : Planetario e immersività
19)Draceina PINION : Game for e-learning
20)lavori del corso "video e foto nella didattica"

15 June -18 July 2010

Gallery Szczepanski and SecondAnitel, national  tutors and teachers association (e-learning courses) in collaboration with University of Macerata (Teaching and Learning with MUVEs) in Sim Gallery Szczepanski owner Paolino Szczepanski


from June 15 to July 18, 2010 the exhibition ... DIDATTICA...MENTE - E-LEARNING IN VIRTUAL WORLDS

The inauguration will be on June 15, 2010 22:30

The exhibition brings together the teaching experiments conducted during the course Anitel and the one run by University of Macerata in Second Life in 2010, workshops will be offered according to the timetable can be visited at the following link @ & CTZ = Europe / Rome

Participants as exhibitors and for workshops leaders:

3) GLAUCO Benelli - PUPPETER BY A Lavoisier
6) Calliope LEXINGTON - Holodeck AROUND ....
7) Astra Martian And Richy riba-flags and Countries of the World: an Intercultural itinerary inworld
8) Liliana Wirsing - Geometry and Analysis IN SECOND LIFE
10) Danic MAGIC - Storytelling
11) Gabriella HERBIT - TEACHING MIND ... (Educational Environments)
12) Pauline SCZENPASKI - from google a. ..
13) MIAMI mastrogiu: Peter and the Wolf ... a fable in Second Life
14) Kika CHROME-Pythagoras and the music wire
15) The course exeleraning with Learning Objects in Second Life
16) Elsa Innovia, Micol Seerose ALTEA Core LadyDi Admiral: assertive communication
17) Geordie Robbiani:. ...
18) Lisa Tebaldi planetarium and immersive
19) Pinion Draceina: Game for e-learning
20) course work "in teaching videos and photos"

Kidney Disease Breakthroughs

I am struggling with a saucer that the First Lady called for a long time. Tart with anchovies, anchovy pie and tart of anchovies and ...! These fish that peep from the fish counter always attract me, but the idea of \u200b\u200bcleaning them holding me back! Yet they are delicious, diet, and very versatile. This is another quick and easy ... if you did not need a little time for cleaning the anchovies.
Ora non stò a dirvi tante cose, anche gli ingredienti sono ad occhio, a parte 500 g di alici da pulire.
Apritele a libro ed eliminate interiora, lisca e testa. Preparate del pane secco ai 5 cereali gratuggiato, mescolatelo con circa 2 cucchiai di pecorino sardo stagionato, prezzemolo e basilico tritati, sale e peperoncino secondo il vostro gusto.

Passate le alici nella panure, allineatele in un teglia leggermente unta con olio evo, finite con un giro sempre di buon olio e infornate a 200° fino a che non si sia formata una crosticina dorata.
Servite con tenere insalatine verdi.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Silver And Pink Wrapping Paper Ideas

A periodic table and the Visual Literacy

I invite you to look at this example of visual literacy ..
here is the link

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

White Chunky Cervical Mucus

Google moderator

A collaborative tool that allows you to manage a group and vote on questions posed. Everyone can answer questions or find his answer.
here is the link depth

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Price On Blaze King Wood Stove

May 2 census water .. sponsored by the WWF in 2010

Here the link to the article

Friday, April 30, 2010

Unblocked Free Online Games


Even this year's edition was held Didamatica, this time to Rome. Many participants, interesting proposals. Here is the link of the site Didamatica 2010:

The Sims 3 Unauthorized Copy

Sloodle Moot 2010

On 10 April 2010 was held the 2010 edition of Sloodle moot, where they were the most interesting proposals using Sloodle ( ). In addition to sponsoring the Great Britain to Spain and other sloodlemoot nzioni, we Italians have also participated in presenting the experience made with Sloodle Anitel .
Two courses in Moodle and Second Life aimed at teachers.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sail Used Optimist California

Course Environments 3D Level II learning and teaching languages \u200b\u200bin Second Life

E 'began Tuesday, February 9 at 21.30 the second-level course on teaching in 3D environments. Tutor Anna Boniello, cotutor Boffoli Francis and Joachim Colombrita.
begins Thursday, February 11 Language teaching a course in Second Life. Tutor Antonella Elia, Daniela Cuccurullo and Annamalia Tancredi. Promoted by the National Association
Anitel teachers and tutor-

for information

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Letter Of Recommendation To Study Abroad Copy

duck marsala with celeriac

What about these my long absences. Of course they are perfectly right ... in less than a year have changed so many things that I seem to live another life. Less justified is the mess of photos appearing below. I miss the blog, I miss interacting with all the food blogger (but how many we have become!) Of the net ... but above all I do not have time to cook the way I like!

Not that I had never had so much time to devote to good food, but I had one hundred good reasons to put my guests into the pot of delicious recipes cooked with love. These are the key points of my "abandonment":

a more challenging ... but also very rewarding

a son
    in Shanghai for a year
  1. (to study)
  2. a daughter who decided it was time to share house, jewels, and rings with her "boyfriend" a sudden reduction in the number of diners that, doing the math, it was reduced to 2 ... if we also count myself.
  3. Ok, now give me at least 4 good reasons to spend all that time in the kitchen to experiment, to mess up, to produce delicious dishes without manifesting any diner can enjoy it with a mmmh!
  4. Okay, the list of the pros, I put a I:

the kitchen is my passion, my outlet, my joy

accept other suggestions for now ... get this duckling good good. And even if the picture is not much, the result is excellent on the palate.

a duck is not too big and clean flamed
extra virgin olive oil a knob of butter salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 / 2 celeriac
  • an orange untreated
  • 5 or 6 shallots 1 cup of dry Marsala 2 tbsp honey
  • aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena
  • Salate e pepate internamente ed esternamente l'anatra. Lavate l'arancia, incidetela come per dividerla in quattro ma senza separarala. Inseritela nell'anatra che poi legherete con spago da cucina. Mettete il volatile in casseruola che possa andare in forno e aggiungete l'olio e poco burro. Fatela rosolare bene sul fornello a fuoco vivace, bagnate con il marsala e fate evaporare, unite gli scalogni divisi a spicchi, il sedano rapa pelato e tagliato a dadi, e un paio di cucchiai di miele. Coperchiate e mettete in forno caldo a 200° per circa 1 ora e 30 min. A cottura ultimata, estraete l'anatra e porzionatela. Se necessario, fate restringere il fondo di cottura e aggiungete little balsamic vinegar of Modena. Season with salt.
  • Serve, your duck, hot and surrounded
  • celeriac and shallots.

Maxine Cartoons On Healthcare

Troccoli flavored smoked

I do not know if you can call your troccoli! Well, now I put it in the title! In fact it is egg pasta. Something different from "real" troccoli that are made with only whole wheat flour and water. Today domenica e finalmente posso mettermi davanti al tagliere e impastare un pò. Una manciata di tempo per la me , la mia passione e la mia tavola. L'idea era di preparare dei tagliolini e di tirare la sfoglia con il mattarrello. In realtà devo ancora prendere dimestichezza con il mezzo e per ora non riesco ancora a tirare sfoglie come le vere sfogline emiliane. Da queste parti, la sfoglia si è sempre tirarta con la mitica "Imperia" e non c'è la cultura di altre zone dell'Emilia. Il risultato è infatti una sfoglia un pò troppo spessa e considerato che è quasi ora di pranzo decido che saranno troccoli...o qualche cosa di simile. Il risultato non delude e i commensali apprezzano!
Nel work in progress personale ora notes: - learn to pull the dough! - Perhaps a course in "Old School
" help me ".

doses for 5 / 6 people

for the dough:

400 g flour 00

3 eggs whole egg and a
  • a pinch of salt
  • for the sauce:

a big bunch of Chioggia radicchio

a shallot
  • extra virgin olive oil a few tablespoons
  • 150 g of sliced \u200b\u200bbacon rolled Thick
  • 1 / 2 smoked cheese smoked salt
  • Mix the flour with the eggs and worked long and hard until the dough is silky. Roll it (if you like the Empire, you understand), not too thin. Flour it, roll it and slice with a thickness of 3 or 4 mm. unroll the noodles and spread it on a platter. Let dry for about 30 min. Meanwhile prepare the sauce.
  • Cut the bacon into thick slices and cut it into cubes.
  • in a pan with a little oil
  • , sauté until it is crisp. Drain and keep aside. In fat remaining in pan, let simmer a scalogno affettato, aggiungete il radicchio tagliato a listarelle, salate e mescolate. Fate stufare lentamente. Cuocete la pasta in abbondante acqua salata. Prima di scolarla, prelevate mezza tazza di acqua di cottura che vi servirà per mantecare. Scolate la pasta al dente, fatela saltare qualche minuto in padella con il radicchio, aggiungete l'acqua di cottura, saltate ancora un attimo e terminate aggiungendo la pancetta croccante, la scamorza a dadini e poco sale affumicato. Servite caldissimi i vostri pseudo troccoli.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Kvm Switch

A CLIL in Science project

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Congratulate On Marriage Phrase

Opensim Virtual Worlds - Best Practice in Education Lab

A conference on best practices of education in virtual worlds. For information

Friday, January 22, 2010

Birthday Places In Bangalore

CLIL in virtual world (sciencesim)

This january I, science teacher and two teachers of english, are working in a virtual world, ScienceSim, with our students. This work is about science in english (Clil) and storytelling. Students create a avatar, a character of a story, five avatars -five characters, then they axplore this Opensim (virtual world), making snapshot and writing notecards on places. Then students create a video (short story) with all this.
This experience is very creative for our students. In next post I'll describe other.

for info about opensim of science:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lump In Throat Food Beltching

and radicchio salad with green beans veal tripe Trasimeno

E' certo che la trippa non incontra il favore di tutti! Un gusto un pò troppo deciso che i palati "fini" non accettano of buongrado. Piacenza in the tradition is still very common and usually is cooked with vegetables, beans, white cake and a little tomato, complete a generous dose of pepper and parmesan cheese. The This version comes straight from Mantua, although the fagiolina in question is grown on the shores of Lake Trasimeno. It 's a legume very refined taste and texture, and then the tripe should be cut very finely, small strips of a few millimeters. In fact, the legume in the original recipe is risina of Spello, Trasimeno fagiolina but is quite similar and even find its taste even more delicate.
Among the various places that we had the pleasure to attend during our stay in Mantua, we came across the "The Next Door"
, say light version, for costs and menus, the most famous " Aquila Nigra "
. In appetizers this is tripe. I must say that among the various tastes, this dish is what surprised me the most. A fantastic dish of tripe in white, almost elegant. I had to wait a while before replying, I needed fagiolina ... and New Year holiday in Umbria I proceeded to fill that gap. Now, I had the recipe, but when I take the craving for a plate ... and I tell you to do! 250 g of beans Trasimeno

1500 g of tripe (foiolo) clean and very finely sliced \u200b\u200b2 carrots
2 stalks of celery 1 onion
  • blonde
  • broth half
  • cup dry white wine
  • black pepper extra virgin olive oil from Umbria or Tuscany
  • a knob of butter (and we would also like a nice piece)

  • salt
  • dried fennel flowers
  • Put to fagiolina the bathroom the night before. After 12 hours of soaking in plenty of water will not boil salt. When tender, but still well intact, drain and keep aside. Slice the vegetables and let them stew in a large saucepan with a tablespoon of olive oil and a little butter. Add salt and after a few minutes, add the tripe. Mix well and let blanching. Pour the white wine, let evaporate and cover with the broth. Add salt and pepper and simmer for a couple of hours, taking care to avoid drying up.
  • Now add the green beans, and cook it all, still a very low heat for about 1 / 2 hour. At the end of cooking, the tripe should be fairly dry. Serve hot, preferably in hot dishes, with a grinding of black pepper, a round of good olive oil and a sprinkle of fennel flowers ... the dish is not contemplated, but there is really good.