Sunday, February 7, 2010

Letter Of Recommendation To Study Abroad Copy

duck marsala with celeriac

What about these my long absences. Of course they are perfectly right ... in less than a year have changed so many things that I seem to live another life. Less justified is the mess of photos appearing below. I miss the blog, I miss interacting with all the food blogger (but how many we have become!) Of the net ... but above all I do not have time to cook the way I like!

Not that I had never had so much time to devote to good food, but I had one hundred good reasons to put my guests into the pot of delicious recipes cooked with love. These are the key points of my "abandonment":

a more challenging ... but also very rewarding

a son
    in Shanghai for a year
  1. (to study)
  2. a daughter who decided it was time to share house, jewels, and rings with her "boyfriend" a sudden reduction in the number of diners that, doing the math, it was reduced to 2 ... if we also count myself.
  3. Ok, now give me at least 4 good reasons to spend all that time in the kitchen to experiment, to mess up, to produce delicious dishes without manifesting any diner can enjoy it with a mmmh!
  4. Okay, the list of the pros, I put a I:

the kitchen is my passion, my outlet, my joy

accept other suggestions for now ... get this duckling good good. And even if the picture is not much, the result is excellent on the palate.

a duck is not too big and clean flamed
extra virgin olive oil a knob of butter salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 / 2 celeriac
  • an orange untreated
  • 5 or 6 shallots 1 cup of dry Marsala 2 tbsp honey
  • aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena
  • Salate e pepate internamente ed esternamente l'anatra. Lavate l'arancia, incidetela come per dividerla in quattro ma senza separarala. Inseritela nell'anatra che poi legherete con spago da cucina. Mettete il volatile in casseruola che possa andare in forno e aggiungete l'olio e poco burro. Fatela rosolare bene sul fornello a fuoco vivace, bagnate con il marsala e fate evaporare, unite gli scalogni divisi a spicchi, il sedano rapa pelato e tagliato a dadi, e un paio di cucchiai di miele. Coperchiate e mettete in forno caldo a 200° per circa 1 ora e 30 min. A cottura ultimata, estraete l'anatra e porzionatela. Se necessario, fate restringere il fondo di cottura e aggiungete little balsamic vinegar of Modena. Season with salt.
  • Serve, your duck, hot and surrounded
  • celeriac and shallots.


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