Progetto nazionale M.I.U.R. – C.O.N.I. – P.C.M. “Alfabetizzazione motoria scuola primaria a.s. 2010/2011” - Compliance
Project in question will find its implementation during 1 febbraio/31 May 2011 and has the following general features which are reported in summary
· is realized in all regions and provinces with the provision of two hours per week of activity in each of the classes involved for a total of thirty hours
· is based on the uniformity of the scientific and methodological on the entire national territory, under the direct responsibility of teachers of primary school education which is supported by an expert in physical education;
· the learning objectives pursued are firmly rooted in those prescribed in National Guidelines for primary school ;
• it has witnessed a phase of training given to the experts and supervisors who will be involved in the extension of the project and those that eventually will take over in place of teachers used in the pilot project of the school year 2009/2010;
° shall be subject monitoring of outcomes in order to refine tests provided continuity in its triennale;
· è finanziato con fondi messi a disposizione dal M.I.U.R. e dal C.O.N.I. nonché con ogni altra eventuale risorsa proveniente dagli enti territoriali.
- Leggi la Nota Prot. n. 7995 del 15.12.2010 >>
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