Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sail Used Optimist California

Course Environments 3D Level II learning and teaching languages \u200b\u200bin Second Life

E 'began Tuesday, February 9 at 21.30 the second-level course on teaching in 3D environments. Tutor Anna Boniello, cotutor Boffoli Francis and Joachim Colombrita.
begins Thursday, February 11 Language teaching a course in Second Life. Tutor Antonella Elia, Daniela Cuccurullo and Annamalia Tancredi. Promoted by the National Association
Anitel teachers and tutor-

for information

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Letter Of Recommendation To Study Abroad Copy

duck marsala with celeriac

What about these my long absences. Of course they are perfectly right ... in less than a year have changed so many things that I seem to live another life. Less justified is the mess of photos appearing below. I miss the blog, I miss interacting with all the food blogger (but how many we have become!) Of the net ... but above all I do not have time to cook the way I like!

Not that I had never had so much time to devote to good food, but I had one hundred good reasons to put my guests into the pot of delicious recipes cooked with love. These are the key points of my "abandonment":

a more challenging ... but also very rewarding

a son
    in Shanghai for a year
  1. (to study)
  2. a daughter who decided it was time to share house, jewels, and rings with her "boyfriend" a sudden reduction in the number of diners that, doing the math, it was reduced to 2 ... if we also count myself.
  3. Ok, now give me at least 4 good reasons to spend all that time in the kitchen to experiment, to mess up, to produce delicious dishes without manifesting any diner can enjoy it with a mmmh!
  4. Okay, the list of the pros, I put a I:

the kitchen is my passion, my outlet, my joy

accept other suggestions for now ... get this duckling good good. And even if the picture is not much, the result is excellent on the palate.

a duck is not too big and clean flamed
extra virgin olive oil a knob of butter salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 / 2 celeriac
  • an orange untreated
  • 5 or 6 shallots 1 cup of dry Marsala 2 tbsp honey
  • aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena
  • Salate e pepate internamente ed esternamente l'anatra. Lavate l'arancia, incidetela come per dividerla in quattro ma senza separarala. Inseritela nell'anatra che poi legherete con spago da cucina. Mettete il volatile in casseruola che possa andare in forno e aggiungete l'olio e poco burro. Fatela rosolare bene sul fornello a fuoco vivace, bagnate con il marsala e fate evaporare, unite gli scalogni divisi a spicchi, il sedano rapa pelato e tagliato a dadi, e un paio di cucchiai di miele. Coperchiate e mettete in forno caldo a 200° per circa 1 ora e 30 min. A cottura ultimata, estraete l'anatra e porzionatela. Se necessario, fate restringere il fondo di cottura e aggiungete little balsamic vinegar of Modena. Season with salt.
  • Serve, your duck, hot and surrounded
  • celeriac and shallots.

Maxine Cartoons On Healthcare

Troccoli flavored smoked

I do not know if you can call your troccoli! Well, now I put it in the title! In fact it is egg pasta. Something different from "real" troccoli that are made with only whole wheat flour and water. Today domenica e finalmente posso mettermi davanti al tagliere e impastare un pò. Una manciata di tempo per la me , la mia passione e la mia tavola. L'idea era di preparare dei tagliolini e di tirare la sfoglia con il mattarrello. In realtà devo ancora prendere dimestichezza con il mezzo e per ora non riesco ancora a tirare sfoglie come le vere sfogline emiliane. Da queste parti, la sfoglia si è sempre tirarta con la mitica "Imperia" e non c'è la cultura di altre zone dell'Emilia. Il risultato è infatti una sfoglia un pò troppo spessa e considerato che è quasi ora di pranzo decido che saranno troccoli...o qualche cosa di simile. Il risultato non delude e i commensali apprezzano!
Nel work in progress personale ora notes: - learn to pull the dough! - Perhaps a course in "Old School
" help me ".

doses for 5 / 6 people

for the dough:

400 g flour 00

3 eggs whole egg and a
  • a pinch of salt
  • for the sauce:

a big bunch of Chioggia radicchio

a shallot
  • extra virgin olive oil a few tablespoons
  • 150 g of sliced \u200b\u200bbacon rolled Thick
  • 1 / 2 smoked cheese smoked salt
  • Mix the flour with the eggs and worked long and hard until the dough is silky. Roll it (if you like the Empire, you understand), not too thin. Flour it, roll it and slice with a thickness of 3 or 4 mm. unroll the noodles and spread it on a platter. Let dry for about 30 min. Meanwhile prepare the sauce.
  • Cut the bacon into thick slices and cut it into cubes.
  • in a pan with a little oil
  • , sauté until it is crisp. Drain and keep aside. In fat remaining in pan, let simmer a scalogno affettato, aggiungete il radicchio tagliato a listarelle, salate e mescolate. Fate stufare lentamente. Cuocete la pasta in abbondante acqua salata. Prima di scolarla, prelevate mezza tazza di acqua di cottura che vi servirà per mantecare. Scolate la pasta al dente, fatela saltare qualche minuto in padella con il radicchio, aggiungete l'acqua di cottura, saltate ancora un attimo e terminate aggiungendo la pancetta croccante, la scamorza a dadini e poco sale affumicato. Servite caldissimi i vostri pseudo troccoli.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Kvm Switch

A CLIL in Science project