Raise your hand if you have never copied a recipe from a package and any cocoa, frozen foods, biscuits and more! The gastronomic curiosity sometimes leads us in situations ... to the limit! And if, to tickle, it is a 'friend with a low propensity for the kitchen, it becomes a challenge. Some time ago, this friend told me of a bad result with a recipe of a cake comes from a package of chocolate chips. The culinary disaster had then been replicato da una seconda amica che pare abbia, sì maggior talento ma, pur cambiando i protagonisti della nostra saga, il dolce non ne aveva giovato. L'avvio di tutta 'sta "prova della torta di ricotta" è stata scatenata da una terza amica che pare l'avesse sperimentata per prima con ottimi risultati. A questo punto bisognava trovare il punto debole, la procedura sbagliata, la causa scatenante degli insuccessi!
Generalmente, se la ricetta ha delle deficenze, me ne accorgo già nella lettura, così con i soli ingredienti scarabocchiati su di un post-it e un vago ricordo di procedimento che diceva pressapoco:"mescolare tutto insieme", raccolgo la sfida ed ecco il risultato. Una torta bella soffice, fragrant and lasting several days. So, dear Paula and Lara, you should definitely try again ... maybe refining the procedure. The recipe is really very simple, and guaranteed result ... and if you do not believe the package of chocolate chips (which I have just replaced with shaved dark chocolate), I believe in myself, who has tested several times and never trace remains in the pot.
Incidentally, the post-it and then I had also lost and went to memory ... and I can not explain why I can not even remember half the phone number memorized and on the other hand, without any difficulty, with all recipes those numbers doses etc. ... bah!
for a pan 24 cm
200 g sugar 1 egg
- a pinch of salt
- vanilla essence
- 250 g ricotta
- 1 white yogurt
- 300 g of flour 1 tablespoon baking
- 50 g dark chocolate chips, or chocolate chips
- In a bowl beat the sugar with the egg and a pinch of salt. Add yogurt, stir and then add the ricotta. Incorporate it well into the mixture. Sift the flour, with baking powder and vanilla. Add it to the mixture in two or three times, stirring briefly with a spoon, only necessary to incorporate it.
- Add the chocolate and pour into greased and floured cake pan. Bake at 180 degrees for about 50 min. If it is too brown on the surface, cover the pan with aluminum foil. It will be perfectly cooked when the toothpick test, it comes out dry.
Now, if we really wanted to just do the test on 9 ...
would take at least another investigator, to determine whether the recipe is really good. Whoever raises his hand?
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