Thursday, January 28, 2010

Congratulate On Marriage Phrase

Opensim Virtual Worlds - Best Practice in Education Lab

A conference on best practices of education in virtual worlds. For information

Friday, January 22, 2010

Birthday Places In Bangalore

CLIL in virtual world (sciencesim)

This january I, science teacher and two teachers of english, are working in a virtual world, ScienceSim, with our students. This work is about science in english (Clil) and storytelling. Students create a avatar, a character of a story, five avatars -five characters, then they axplore this Opensim (virtual world), making snapshot and writing notecards on places. Then students create a video (short story) with all this.
This experience is very creative for our students. In next post I'll describe other.

for info about opensim of science:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lump In Throat Food Beltching

and radicchio salad with green beans veal tripe Trasimeno

E' certo che la trippa non incontra il favore di tutti! Un gusto un pò troppo deciso che i palati "fini" non accettano of buongrado. Piacenza in the tradition is still very common and usually is cooked with vegetables, beans, white cake and a little tomato, complete a generous dose of pepper and parmesan cheese. The This version comes straight from Mantua, although the fagiolina in question is grown on the shores of Lake Trasimeno. It 's a legume very refined taste and texture, and then the tripe should be cut very finely, small strips of a few millimeters. In fact, the legume in the original recipe is risina of Spello, Trasimeno fagiolina but is quite similar and even find its taste even more delicate.
Among the various places that we had the pleasure to attend during our stay in Mantua, we came across the "The Next Door"
, say light version, for costs and menus, the most famous " Aquila Nigra "
. In appetizers this is tripe. I must say that among the various tastes, this dish is what surprised me the most. A fantastic dish of tripe in white, almost elegant. I had to wait a while before replying, I needed fagiolina ... and New Year holiday in Umbria I proceeded to fill that gap. Now, I had the recipe, but when I take the craving for a plate ... and I tell you to do! 250 g of beans Trasimeno

1500 g of tripe (foiolo) clean and very finely sliced \u200b\u200b2 carrots
2 stalks of celery 1 onion
  • blonde
  • broth half
  • cup dry white wine
  • black pepper extra virgin olive oil from Umbria or Tuscany
  • a knob of butter (and we would also like a nice piece)

  • salt
  • dried fennel flowers
  • Put to fagiolina the bathroom the night before. After 12 hours of soaking in plenty of water will not boil salt. When tender, but still well intact, drain and keep aside. Slice the vegetables and let them stew in a large saucepan with a tablespoon of olive oil and a little butter. Add salt and after a few minutes, add the tripe. Mix well and let blanching. Pour the white wine, let evaporate and cover with the broth. Add salt and pepper and simmer for a couple of hours, taking care to avoid drying up.
  • Now add the green beans, and cook it all, still a very low heat for about 1 / 2 hour. At the end of cooking, the tripe should be fairly dry. Serve hot, preferably in hot dishes, with a grinding of black pepper, a round of good olive oil and a sprinkle of fennel flowers ... the dish is not contemplated, but there is really good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jalapenos Difference Chilli

ICALT 2010 conference and workshop Dulp

the conference of the IEEE ICALT 2010 - 5-7 July 2010, Sousse, Tunisia earth is 'the first international workshop dedicated to DULP , which will have' Title:

"Centered Design and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places (DULP) - Practical Implementations and Future Visions "

The deadline for submission of contributions will be 'fixed to February 25.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How The Cervix Feel After Implantation

Dol-Diploma Online - Politecnico di Milano

THE Online Diploma in didactic experts assisted by new technologies is open to all. The modules cover various aspects of teaching with new technologies. Entries will close the spring edition this week, Friday, January 22, 2010.
the staff of the DOL is willing to organize online information sessions aimed at groups of interested teachers to illustrate the course and respond to any requests for clarification. To make arrangements and determine the dates of the meetings to write
16 offices and the Regional School Superintendent of studies have started with the Politecnico di Milano scholarships to enable teachers in their region / province to attend the course favorable economic conditions:

USR for Abruzzo, Basilicata to the USR, USR for Calabria, Campania for the USR, USR for the Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio for USR, USR for Lombardy, Molise to the USR, USR for the Piedmont; USR for Puglia, Sardinia for the USR, USR for Sicily; USR for Tuscany; Superintendent studies of the Valle d'Aosta Veneto for the USR; Department Education Autonomous Province of Trento.
All the teachers to the Regional School Offices listed above may apply for the scholarship by completing the form available at:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Multiplayer Modport Royale 2

pumpkin ravioli and pumpkin pies, salami, macaroons e. .. cooked. Chocolate ricotta cake

These "so" here are the result of a fantastic "riciclone" those who can not be more! During a recent culinary tour of the enchanting Mantua, I have taken several spawning dishes. Mantua is known for its pasta filled with pumpkin, apple mustard for its bells (coming soon on these screens) and a thousand other delicacies that I am not here to tell you .... let us jump, it's worth it. My version has been purged of mustard, which I love it, but does not meet the favor of many.

the salami that I used for the pies was a surplus of course, but you can use fresh pasta salami or sausage.

filling for ravioli

500 g of chopped yellow squash long 50 g amaretti
  • 100 g grated Parmesan cheese 1 egg
  • salt pepper nutmeg
  • filling for pies
  • The filling of the ravioli advanced
few slices of salami
  • for green pasta
  • 500 g of flour (300 + 200 Wheat flour 00 hard) 3 eggs
a handful of blanched spinach, squeezed dry and chopped a pinch of salt
  • a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • Cook the pumpkin in the oven after it is cut into regular pieces, but leave the peel. When the meat is pretty tender, and after removing the peel, mash in a bowl along with the macaroons. Add the Parmesan cheese, egg, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix well and refrigerate while you prepare the pasta.
  • Make the fountain with the flour, place the center chopped spinach, eggs, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of oil. Knead well until the dough is nice and smooth as silk. Let rest in refrigerator a 'Oretta to chill. Roll out the pastry and cut out so many square 6 cm from the side. Place a little filling in the center of each one, close them in a triangle and seal the edges by pressing with tines of fork. Align them on the table until the boil. Keep them al dente and let them jump in a saucepan with plenty of butter. Sprinkle with plenty of parmesan.
  • For patties, coated tartellete molds with the pastry. Take the stuffing advanced add in the pasta cooked salami, chopped with a knife, mix thoroughly and put a little filling in each pie. Bake at 200 ° until the dough is golden and pretty swollen. Serve warm.
As soon as I can make a decent picture, the fantastic mustard instead of apples that I have already produced 2 times ... it was the great success of the Christmas gifts and dipensa must be supplied short .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Coupon

Raise your hand if you have never copied a recipe from a package and any cocoa, frozen foods, biscuits and more! The gastronomic curiosity sometimes leads us in situations ... to the limit! And if, to tickle, it is a 'friend with a low propensity for the kitchen, it becomes a challenge. Some time ago, this friend told me of a bad result with a recipe of a cake comes from a package of chocolate chips. The culinary disaster had then been replicato da una seconda amica che pare abbia, sì maggior talento ma, pur cambiando i protagonisti della nostra saga, il dolce non ne aveva giovato. L'avvio di tutta 'sta "prova della torta di ricotta" è stata scatenata da una terza amica che pare l'avesse sperimentata per prima con ottimi risultati. A questo punto bisognava trovare il punto debole, la procedura sbagliata, la causa scatenante degli insuccessi!
Generalmente, se la ricetta ha delle deficenze, me ne accorgo già nella lettura, così con i soli ingredienti scarabocchiati su di un post-it e un vago ricordo di procedimento che diceva pressapoco:"mescolare tutto insieme", raccolgo la sfida ed ecco il risultato. Una torta bella soffice, fragrant and lasting several days. So, dear Paula and Lara, you should definitely try again ... maybe refining the procedure. The recipe is really very simple, and guaranteed result ... and if you do not believe the package of chocolate chips (which I have just replaced with shaved dark chocolate), I believe in myself, who has tested several times and never trace remains in the pot.
Incidentally, the post-it and then I had also lost and went to memory ... and I can not explain why I can not even remember half the phone number memorized and on the other hand, without any difficulty, with all recipes those numbers doses etc. ... bah!

for a pan 24 cm

200 g sugar 1 egg

  • a pinch of salt
  • vanilla essence
  • 250 g ricotta
  • 1 white yogurt
  • 300 g of flour 1 tablespoon baking
  • 50 g dark chocolate chips, or chocolate chips
  • In a bowl beat the sugar with the egg and a pinch of salt. Add yogurt, stir and then add the ricotta. Incorporate it well into the mixture. Sift the flour, with baking powder and vanilla. Add it to the mixture in two or three times, stirring briefly with a spoon, only necessary to incorporate it.
  • Add the chocolate and pour into greased and floured cake pan. Bake at 180 degrees for about 50 min. If it is too brown on the surface, cover the pan with aluminum foil. It will be perfectly cooked when the toothpick test, it comes out dry.
2 out of 4 positive results seem encouraging!
Now, if we really wanted to just do the test on 9 ...
would take at least another investigator, to determine whether the recipe is really good. Whoever raises his hand?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brazillian Wax Powerpoints

Like hell!

Cosa centra il cavolo? Non c'è nemmeno la foto...del cavolo! La foto, appunto del cavolo, non era gran che, ma vi assicuro che il cavolo c'è. Eccome! Ma non un cavolo qualunque; un magnifico esemplare di cavolo nero che mi ricorda tanto quelle belle vacanze umbro/toscane appena trascorse con gli amici e i cugini.
250 g bean rods with the flower

1 large white onion
  • 2 carrots 2 stalks di sedano
  • 3 patate grandi
  • 1 gambo di cavolo nero
  • 2 l d'acqua
  • sale qb
  • olio evo
  • toma bergamasca
  • grana grattugiato
  • pepe nero a mulinello
  • pane, preferibilmente toscano
  • Mettete a bagno, la sera precedente, i fagioli in acqua fredda. Pulite e lavate e tagliate a tocchetti tutte le verdure e fatele stufare, con qualche cucchiaio di olio evo, in un tegame di coccio. Aggiungete i fagioli tondini, scolati dall'acqua di ammollo. Salate and add hot water. Let simmer on low heat until all vegetables are tender and the beans are well cooked to perfection. Season with salt.

  • Prepare individual bowls that can go in the oven. Pour a ladle of soup in each one, place some on each slice of toast casserole, sprinkle a few slices of cheese and toma. sitt put the grill a few minutes because the cheese can melt. Complete with black pepper, sprinkle with olive oil and serve your
    good tonic soup ...
  • hot!

What Is Heartburn Heart Murmur

begin courses at the University of Macerata

Here is the link of ' article ...