Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vancouver Adult Industry

UNICEF project of a kindergarten teacher for the event:)

before moving to the point I have to tell the thing: I
, a kindergarten teacher by accident, I find myself in a school whose leader has been my colleague in another place in the past . at the last meeting, knowing Ammanacco her that I almost everywhere, I proposed to organize fundraisers for UNICEF, whose project on the rights of children in the world .. in short, has touched a chord: cohabit with children 24 to 24 hours, at work and at home, and certainly I could not ignore such a request. then, having carte blanche, I decided to produce a series of items for children and for children, and to organize various school buildings within the institution including where he served, the boot fair, to be clear of the markets! I would also like to create a page online where you can contact those who want to take something. Obviously the price is symbolic because the materials used are the result of No trade and have been purchased and the proceeds will go entirely to UNICEF. anyway .. while I organized the whole rearranging my thoughts, kneaded with a tart jam persimmons and pears gnammy gnammy ... .. hope you get to tonight!


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