Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Calgary Male Brazilian Waxing

It's official! it's carnival!

old and mad and crazy old

hath been sold the mattress

to buy bread, wine,

tarallucci and sausage.

And eating out loud

the mountain of pancakes

's belly has grown a great

that resembles a ball.

drinks, drinks suddenly

's face turns red

then also broke his belly

while still eating,


So dies Carnival

and make funeral

dust was born

and dust is back.

Gabriele D'Annunzio

Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Play Frustration Rummy

uffffffa that effort!

... but satisfaction)

54 cupcakes in a few hours, all decorated, the latter filled with nutella for the carnival of angelica to school:)

EPPO OF CAKES PREVIOUS POST .. .. in short, are exhausted but happy!

nn congested these days I prefer to shop in pastry, a little bit because there is some overhead required, a little bit because my self I turn toward the door as possible to contain the industrial products ..

love all these things tomorrow?

while giving you the recipe, supermegastrafacile (x 12 cupcakes)

1 uovo

120 gr zucchero

170 gr farina (metà amido è meglio)

un bicchierino di latte

succo di limone

1 bicchierino di olio di oliva

mezza bustina di lievito

per la farcia

nutella diluita con un pò di latte

zucchero a velo x la glassa

tempo di preparazione 10 minuti

cottura 15 minuti forno preheated to 180gradi

total cost of € 6 x 54 cupcakes

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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5 years ari

officially today, office tomorrow at school with mates:) Day theme: Dora the Explorer .. and you do not like dora??

Ari (when she is good) ... air (when she is naughty) and decided ... arianna tone (at the request of third parties) .. today carried out its first 5 years:)

then laboriously recovered themed dishes .. the rest is of course done by hand!

classic birthday cake for the party official, cupcakes decorated with pink icing and orange stuffed with nutella .. along with a tart, chocolate cream philadelphia's day tomorrow

the base of the tart is simple egg-sugar-flour and olive oil, the cream was prepared with 2 pats of Philadelphia and nutella taste .. that is a go-go!!

then, as a solemn promise, cupcakes decorated with pink icing (sugar a velo e succo di limone e qualche goccia di colorante rosso) e abbelliti con i topper per i cupcake fatti a amano con le mezze cannucce, qui ricodiamoci che si tratta di minori di anni 6 e che lo stecchino è decisamente pericoloso:)..parola di mamma e maestra!!

per nonni e zie cupcake romantici contanto di fiore pappabile:)

serena domenica

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dripping Electric Shower

fairies out of the woods

...non vi fanno aspettare il solstizio d'estate, le fate anticipano l'uscita in occasione della festa di carnevale..una breve passeggiata sul mare, 2 feste colorate e poi via..di nuovo nel bosco:)

my baby will be so, as a fairy of the forest, and held a flower in her hand, her little sister:)

recipe for fairy dress

colored felt

hot glue (I sewed a tunic, but I assure you that you can anhce paste)


and sizziex or colored paper shaped like leaves, flowers, stars, the owl is made by hand:)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


right not to stand still with your hands!

firm with the hands not! then, 2 recycling projects ... one has seen the creation of Bookmarks felt and cardboard, another more daring gave birth to the lamps created with old cups! old because unused, but reborn to new life!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nails For You Brampton

ATTENZIONE. Questionari classi 4^ e 5^

In reference to the statement at the end we inform you that we have removed the questionnaires to classes 4 and 5 ^ ^ by the online platform. Pending any further information we ask you to suspend temporarily the administration of the same.
The Literacy Secretariat

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Walden Galleria Or Buffalo Fashion Outlet

Questionari classi 4^ e 5^

We hereby inform you that we have done to publish the questionnaires to classes 4 and 5 (self-efficacy questionnaire motor and a questionnaire for assessing the level of satisfaction individual) in the "Documents" section of the area reserved for operators.
Waiting to activate the function of collecting this data in the platform online, experts can download the document is given to all pupils in classes 4 and 5 participating in the project following the instructions (methods and timing) attached to the document.
The Literacy Secretariat

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Badminton Store In Mo

workin 'sunday:) let's say it with flowers

the carnival this year falls on top for luck ..! inspired by Martha Stewart and her creative things, I was literally love at first sight for a dress that she, Martha, is proposed in paper, but I felt .. I sewed for my child's day at nursery school confetti. nn I used patterns, I just shaped a petal on a old piece of paper! time 2 h-cost 5 €. the girl is excited!

Congratulations New Baby Quotes 2009

in response to the fact that one of my biggest flaws is a real red thumb, I totally denied and utterly unable to manage even a simple cactus plant .. I refer as well:) happy Sunday to all

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weave With Chinesebang

Alberta Male Brazilian Waxing

bag RIVIT n 3

who reads this blog knows that I get angry when they are particularly productive .. nn scream, cry and nn nn curse .. but somewhere Part I will also give vent!
then pouring into the hands
black straw bag with wooden handle
new in origin, but too anonymous for my taste
so here's a little bit of material recovery and 'idea of \u200b\u200bsummer help in the transformation:)

Bionicle Kardas Dragon Instructions

the corsage of pink caramaestramica marrrrrrrrrrriellllllllla

the beautiful thing about life is that our souls remain to hover in the places where a When we played

Kahlil Gibran - self portrait

many times I have named the teacher mariella in this blog .. you should know all of Mariella, the sympathy and the positive energy that emanates. Needless to say that small children love it .. my daughter is excited to have her as a teacher. there is a special occasion for this corsage .. apart from that I have experienced a new technique of three-dimensional felt .. thinking about a delicious saccottino we hano sold as fat-free mah .. .. mystery :))). . many felt ricilati disks from an old ornament, folded in half and gathered around a single central roll. but the lilac color and shape I like happy .. and I hope like it anche a mariella:)

la mia bambina avrebbe dovuto portarglielo stamattina..ma..tale madre tale figlia..si è dimenticata^_^

quindi ci sta che mariella lo veda prima qui il corsage:)

la confezione, riciclatissima, è decorata con un timbro e dei ghirigocri scritti a mano con un pennarello a punta sottile..