Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coolmath Pokemon Games

new Memorandum of Understanding Signed Muir-CONI. Literacy project continues Motor

Mariastella Gelmini Minister and the President of CONI Giovanni Petrucci signed today at Palazzo Chigi, in the presence of Secretary of State for Sport Mr Rocco Crimi, the new Memorandum of Understanding for the revival of physical activity and sports in schools of all levels.
iur CONI and consider the physical education a key instrument for shaping the character of young people. For this
Guidelines have been promoted by the minister Gelmini signed in August 2009 and the Motor Project Literacy in primary schools.
If the special mission of the school and education, it is equally important its educational role, to be shared with other key educational agencies, like the family and the land with its sports facilities, cultural and social.
To achieve these objectives, we will continue with the project of Motor literacy in primary school, started last year as a "Pilot Project", which has had positive feedback from the academic world.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Greetings Quotes

literacy in primary motor as 2010/2011: the Ministry of Education provides € 2.5 million

PRESS CAPD LSM & N ° 32 of November 1, 2010
Dear colleagues, decided after
intervention of rebuke from the president of CONI national Petrucci, against the minister Gelmini, said the lack of response to the commitment of the cones of the same provision of € 5 million (as for the school year 2009/2010) in the project "Literacy in primary schools" (Gazzetta dello Sport October 27 2010) was held two days after the meeting between Ministry of Education and cones.

The joint statement after the meeting, said the continuation of the project for the 2010/2011 as well with the provision by the Ministry of Education of EUR 2.5 million (Gazzetta dello Sport October 29, 2010).

for months, as a confederation, also expects the Ministry of Education put its resources into literacy. It was unthinkable a project run by the school and the school was funded entirely by an external body.

CAPD From September 4: As a first step we ask the Ministry of Education to make available to the literacy project for the year 2010/2011 of EUR 5 million, equal to the resources of the cones already confirmed. (Still have not been spending all the resources of 440 for 2009 with surplus of 2-3 million euro). This would allow to double in 2011 the provinces involved in the pilot project.

For subsequent years, the Ministry of Education could use the financial instrument of L.440, providing an increase in its funding for the project to cover the three-year expenditure. Other implementations the project could be sought by the Regions, local authorities and third parties.

Now the time of the project for the years 2010-2011, given the delay of the Ministry of Education, seem inevitably move in January-February 2011, unlike previous statements, providing for continuity of teaching with the school year 2009/2010.

We continue to reiterate that the Ministry of Education should establish the organizational design and financial intervention in the primary motor activity that is at least three years and no breath of continuous run-up to school year already begun human resources and financial arrangements to get to project in 2013, as in our initial hypothesis, to propose the activities for at least 30 (of 50 promises) hours per year in each class Italian primary school, taught by Isef graduates or graduates in Physical Education. Follow up

A hug
President Flavio Cucchi
Venezia-Mestre November 1, 2010