Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back Of The Neck Is Sore Snowboarding

cream must

Today we talk about wine. Yes just the juice of grapes, freshly squeezed and not yet fermented, it has the characteristics of the alcoholic wine, but it is a good sugar juice. I have no idea if this cream (which around here we call simply "must") is also used in other parts of Italy, I'd like to scoprirlo. Questo dolce al cucchiaio, accompagna tutta la mia infanzia ed è legato alla vendemmia e alla pigiatura rigorosamente fatta con i "piedi" nei tini.
" con un fantastico K. Reeves? . Nell'aria si sentiva proprio il profumo dolciastro dell'uva e il primo mosto che veniva spillato (quello più denso e nero), era raccolto dalla donne in grandi zuppiere, di quelle bianche e costolute. La mia mamma lo trasformava in altrettante zuppiere di crema che raffreddandosi diveniva compatta. Potevo mangiarne to bursting, digging with a teaspoon

a small hole in the cuticle that forms on the surface.
has kindly invited to participate in the collection "
poor but beautiful."

This recipe, in my opinion, reflects the meaning of the concept that this initiative wants to go:

"we talk about poor food, in this case ... of those dishes born from nothing, absolutely great or little more! Epochs in which creativity was viewed under hunger! "

The juice in question was pressed by my dad and was frozen to preserve it. When we want a sweet "poor but beautiful", thawing and preparing for the happiness of my people. I do not think that my mother, much less grandmothers, had this opportunity, if they Pappano only after harvest, possibly as a relish accompanied by a slice of bread.

calculated for each cup of juice 1 tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of sugar. Pour slowly over the juice and sugar and flour

dissolve well with a whisk. Add 2 cloves of nails (I also added vanilla) and a piece of cinnamon stick. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil. Keep in fuoco basso sempre mescolando per 10 min. Versate nelle coppette o stampini, oppure nelle bellissime zuppiere costolute della nonna. Io, per essere più creativa, l'ho utilizzato come farcitura per delle tartellette di frolla che avevo preparato. E' pur sempre un dessert "povero", ma così presentato era davvero carino.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Am Always Getting Colds

creative Boar jugged

Era un pò che non organizzavo una cena con gli amici più cari, ed era un pò anche che questo cinghialetto dormicchiava nel congelatore in attesa di essere messo in casseruola. Come si più evincere dalla foto Il cinghiale è finished in the pan (actually in the usual casserole) and this is what I managed to take pictures after the ravenous friends have brushed well 2.50 pounds of succulent flesh. for about 8 people

2.50 kilograms of wild boar meat (preferably young), cut into abundance

    for the marinade
1 liter of whole milk

a bottle of barbera (do not spend a fortune though)

  • 2 carrots 2 stalks of celery 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 bay leaves dry
  • a sprig of myrtle
  • few juniper berries
  • few grains of black pepper
  • cooking

few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 / 2 bottle of barbera (the same label of the marinade)
  • 2 carrots 2 stalks of celery 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 leaves dried bay leaves
  • few juniper berries
  • a sprig of myrtle
  • few grains of black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 / 2 liter of broth
  • little tomato
  • 2 tablespoons of grated dark good cioccolaro
  • salt
  • To make clear the process for preparing a cronostoria I do to explain how good the times. The dinner was scheduled for Saturday evening. I removed the meat from the freezer Wednesday evening.
Thursday night I put the pieces of flesh in a bowl with the whole quart of milk, I covered and I put in the fridge.
Friday morning I drained the meat from milk and I put it to marinate with the wine, chopped vegetables and all spices. Friday evening, the boar was ready to be cooked in a casserole. Throw the marinade and prepared all the new flavors and VEGETABLES-dry the meat and place the casserole on the heat with extra virgin olive oil. Add the vegetables into small pieces and fry a few minutes. Add the chunks of wild boar, and then to brown over high heat. Sprinkle with flour and stir well. United 1 / 2 liter of Barbera wine, stir and let it evaporate a bit. Long with the stock and add the tomato puree. Just starts to boil, stir well and then cover. Let go over a low heat for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The cooking of stews / casseroles made repeatedly makes the meat more tasty and nice thick sauce. The next day, still put the boar on the fire until it is cooked. If the casserole is pretty thick do not need to add more liquid, if the contrary were too dry, add a little broth.
10 min. before turning off and serve, add 2 tablespoons of grated dark chocolate. Do nell'intingolo stirring to dissolve properly. Serve piping hot (at the table if there are friends, leave it in the casserole and will remain very hot) served with polenta or, alternately, from mashed potatoes.

It is true that the preparation is a bit long, but if you organize in time, is a dish that requires a minimum of supervision and nothing more. With the same process, and excluding the passage into milk, also prepare the braised beef or mules (very common here)