Today we talk about wine. Yes just the juice of grapes, freshly squeezed and not yet fermented, it has the characteristics of the alcoholic wine, but it is a good sugar juice. I have no idea if this cream (which around here we call simply "must") is also used in other parts of Italy, I'd like to scoprirlo. Questo dolce al cucchiaio, accompagna tutta la mia infanzia ed è legato alla vendemmia e alla pigiatura rigorosamente fatta con i "piedi" nei tini. " con un fantastico K. Reeves? . Nell'aria si sentiva proprio il profumo dolciastro dell'uva e il primo mosto che veniva spillato (quello più denso e nero), era raccolto dalla donne in grandi zuppiere, di quelle bianche e costolute.
a small hole in the cuticle that forms on the surface.
has kindly invited to participate in the collection " poor but beautiful."
This recipe, in my opinion, reflects the meaning of the concept that this initiative wants to go:
"we talk about poor food, in this case ... of those dishes born from nothing, absolutely great or little more! Epochs in which creativity was viewed under hunger! "
The juice in question was pressed by my dad and was frozen to preserve it. When we want a sweet "poor but beautiful", thawing and preparing for the happiness of my people. I do not think that my mother, much less grandmothers, had this opportunity, if they Pappano only after harvest, possibly as a relish accompanied by a slice of bread.
calculated for each cup of juice 1 tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of sugar. Pour slowly over the juice and sugar and flour
dissolve well with a whisk. Add 2 cloves of nails (I also added vanilla) and a piece of cinnamon stick. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil. Keep in fuoco basso sempre mescolando per 10 min. Versate nelle coppette o stampini, oppure nelle bellissime zuppiere costolute della nonna. Io, per essere più creativa, l'ho utilizzato come farcitura per delle tartellette di frolla che avevo preparato. E' pur sempre un dessert "povero", ma così presentato era davvero carino.